What is Argan Oil / 什么是阿甘油
What is Argan Oil?
Argan oil is derived from the argan tree endemic of Morocco, an ancient tree specifically moroccan. It covers an area of more than 800,000 hectares, or 60% of the area of the region “South-West of Morocco”. It grows in arid and semi-arid south-western Morocco, located between Essaouira and Agadir.
How is it Processed?
Argan oil is produced from the fruit of the Argan tree. The latter gives a fruit, a kind of almond, which is dried in the sun. Then, we fruit extract a core containing seeds: from the kernel that will be transformed, subsequently, into oil.
It takes a large amount of fruit to produce argan oil – 100 kilos of fresh fruit for only 1 litre of oil. However, it is definitely worth the effort. Rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants, it is widely lauded for its cosmeceutical properties. In the Berber tradition, Argan oil of Morocco is widely used in traditional medicine.
Scientifically Proven
Scientific research has shown that Argan Oil revitalizes the skin, allowing the permeability of the epidermis, delaying the cell aging and loss of elasticity of the skin. Argan Oil reduces the amount of plasma cholesterol in the body by preventing its deposition in the arteries and reduces the risk of cardio-vascular diseases.
阿甘油又称坚果油,它由生长于摩洛哥的阿甘树上的坚果榨取而成,摩洛哥人世世代代都在使用着。近些年来研究发现它的许多独特的化学成份,使其成为一种对付各种皮肤和头发问题的美容珍宝!从此阿甘油一直吸引着外界不断的关注,欧美国家每年都从摩洛哥进口大量的阿甘油,它已经在世界范围内被公认为”液体黄金”并成为一种可靠的纯天然护肤品。阿甘树(学名: Argania spinosa(刺阿干树)又有摩洛哥铁树之称,又称坚果树,它是一种多刺的常青树,能长成10米之高,据称阿甘树的生命周期能达到125至450年之久!阿甘树自种植起40到60年后才能结果,新种植的阿甘树林对下一代人来说不仅仅是一份珍贵的礼物,它更能帮助防止摩洛哥南部的土壤沙漠化。阿甘树在干旱季节会“休眠”,然后在雨季来临时来重新生长,阿甘树在被砍伐之后也能再生(一般是指在相对干旱时期的渐伐, 新枝条会从根部重新萌发)。阿甘树是第三纪(指地质时间, 距今6500万年~距今164万年)的一个孑遗物种(又称残遗种或古特有种),,它是生长于热带的山榄科成员,Argania属的唯一物种。这种奇特树种的确切种植地在苏斯河平源(摩洛哥), 小阿特拉斯山和摩洛哥西南部的高阿特拉斯山脉海拔1500m上。刺阿甘树被当地人称之为”生命之树”,因为在它的帮助下,让许多生物种在摩洛哥南部的次干旱地区才有生存的可能性! 它的根系可以深入地底去寻找水源,并且帮助抓住土壤,阿甘树的根系也能促进水的渗透和蓄水层的补充。阿甘油仅产于摩洛哥南部地区,它是摩洛哥三宝之一,2010上海世博会摩洛哥馆的镇馆之宝。阿甘油的生产过程非常复杂,工序繁多,全部是以人工加工为主,生产一公升的阿甘油要耗去大量的劳动力,据说要花费一天半的时间 - 而仅仅用石头敲开足够多的果核就要花费12小时之多!阿甘油含有80%的不饱和脂肪酸,富含量必需脂肪酸,它比橄榄油更抗氧化,阿甘油可用于食用,如摩洛哥当地的特色菜couscous,或是放一些在沙拉里,而未经烘烤的阿甘油传统上被用来对付皮肤疾病,美容护肤等功能更是深受欧美人士的欢迎。阿甘油含有大量脂肪酸、甾醇、维他命E和酚类化合物。其中包括大量的必需脂肪酸、不饱和脂肪酸和亚油酸,这些都是不能在人内体合成的而必须从脂肪中获取到的。脂肪酸维持人体健康的水合程度,研究指出亚油酸在皮肤上应用对抗发炎,减少粉刺,保湿功能上有明显效果;而必不可少的不饱和脂肪酸的缺乏可导致皮肤过早老化和皱纹;阿甘油已经被科学地证实它含有2倍于橄榄油的维它命E,维他命E缺乏的症状包括头发干枯,脱发,伤口愈合缓慢等。阿甘油还含有稀有的植物甾醇,植物甾醇能帮助软化皮肤,刺激毛孔排毒,恢复天然脂质屏障。多酚则是众所周知的抗氧化剂,它不仅能延缓皮肤衰老,还可以延长人体内其它抗氧化剂,如维生素E、维生素C的作用时间。
What are the Benefits of Argan Oil?
PMC4737275 (July 2017), NCBI - Topical treatment with coenzyme Q10‐containing formulas improves skin's Q10 level and provides antioxidative effects
PMC5535876 (July 2017), NCBI - Benefits of Argan Oil on Human Health—May 4–6 2017, Errachidia, Morocco
Mitochondrial Diseases (July 2018) - Cleveland Clinic
PMC4387693, NCBI - Hair Cosmetics: An Overview
Medical News Today (Feb 2018) - What are mitochondria
PMC5796020, NCBI (January 2018) - Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils
US National Library of Medicine (May 2019) - Primary coenzyme Q10 deficiency